Contact Info

  • State Of Themepul City, BD
  • info@restly.com
  • Week Days: 09.00 to 18.00
Unlock the Power of Data & AI

Excellent IT services for your success

Big Data Analytics

We empower organizations to unlock the full potential of their data.

Big Data Analytics

We help businesses turn raw data into actionable insights, enabling informed decision-making, and fueling growth.

Data & AI Solutions

Harness the potential of your data with our comprehensive Data & AI solutions.

Data & AI Solutions

From advanced analytics to machine learning, we offer tailored solutions to drive actionable insights and enhance decision-making.

Databricks Integration

Maximize the value of your data with our expert Databricks integration services.

Databricks Integration

Our team ensures seamless implementation and optimization of Databricks solutions, enabling collaborative data analysis and AI-driven innovation.

Cloud Migration Services

Accelerate your journey to the cloud with our Cloud Migration Services.

Cloud Migration Services

Whether you're migrating to AWS, Azure, or GCP, we provide strategic planning, implementation, and optimization services.

Artificial Intelligence

Harness the potential of your data with our comprehensive Data & AI solutions.

Data & AI Solutions

From natural language processing and computer vision to machine learning and deep learning, we help organizations solve complex challenges.

IT Support For Business

Preparing for your success trusted IT services.

At Mars Matrix Technologies, we are dedicated to reshaping the future by harnessing the transformative capabilities of Data and Artificial intelligence. With our expertise in Generative AI and a commitment to innovation, we empower businesses to thrive in today's dynamic digital landscape.

  • Innovative Solutions
  • Client-Centric Approach
  • Expertise and Experience
  • Commitment to Excellence

Active Clients


Projects Done


Ready Projects


Happy Clients

Our Mission

At Mars Matrix Technologies, our mission is to empower businesses with cutting-edge data and AI solutions that drive innovation, enhance efficiency, and unlock new opportunities for growth. We are committed to delivering exceptional value to our clients, leveraging our expertise in Generative AI to solve complex challenges and shape the future of technology.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be a global leader in Data and AI innovation, driving positive change and making a lasting impact on businesses and society. We envision a future where data-driven insights and AI-powered solutions are accessible to all, empowering organizations to thrive in the digital age and create a better world for future generations.

Who We Are

Why Choose Mars Matrix Technologies?


With our deep-rooted expertise in Generative AI, we deliver innovative solutions tailored to your unique business challenges.


We are committed to pushing the boundaries of what AI can achieve, driving continuous innovation to stay ahead of the curve.


Our focus is on delivering tangible results that drive business growth, enhance efficiency, and unlock new opportunities for our clients.

Pricing Packages

Choose Your Best Plan



  • Consultation for design
  • Proposal of ideas
  • Discussions on ETL



  • Basic Design of ETL pipeline
  • Basic Databricks transformations
  • ETL Batch processing



  • End-to-end pipeline design
  • Medallion Architecture
  • ETL Batch and Streaming



  • Customized solutions
  • Dedicated support
  • Scalable infrastructure
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Get In Touch

Unlock the full potential of your data and AI initiatives with Mars Matrix Technologies. Contact us to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve your business objectives.

    Don't hesitate to contact us

    Office Locations

    Pune, Maharashtra, India

    Jaipur, Rajasthan, India

    Bangalore, Karnataka, India

    Office hours

    9:00 AM - 7:00 PM  IST